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What’s good E.T Fam? I hope everyone is having an awesome Monday. Today started off pretty grim for the crypto market. However, it looks like there’s a little sliver of light showing as we’ve seen a bit of a bounce with BTC. However, things will still be rather shaky for the better half of the week while we await the decisions from the FOMC. Most veterans will be using the market bounces as a chance to de-risk and gain a bit more dry powder to DCA into a fe opportunities.
The most important thing to remember is to operate with CAUTION. With that being said, Web3 is still the only way forward. So, the belief in crypto is still alive and well. Also, we’re still seeing that NFTs and gaming want nothing to do with the bearish crypto narrative. We’re totally here for it.
I definitely believe that the decoupling is becoming more pronounced by the day. Tune in while I share my thoughts with you all. Talk to you soon!
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DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice! This is an entertainment and opinion-based show. I am not a financial adviser. Please only invest what you can afford to lose, and we encourage you to do your own research before investing. DYOR
How To Make Money In Forex Trading Without Ever Having To Pick A Single Trade On Your Own
The title of this article sounds pretty unbelievable, doesn’t it? But give me a few minutes to explain my point. Making money in Forex is rarely a fluke. In order to be a successful Forex trader, you have to accurately analyze many, many factors that can affect the price of the U.S. dollar and foreign currencies. With years of experience in currency trading, you may get to the point where you can consistently and effectively make profitable buying and selling decisions by understanding pricing trends.
Best Forex StrategiesThe forex market provides a stream of opportunities that individual traders can learn to profit from on a consistent basis if they implement a forex strategy that works. There really is a big difference between trading strategies that actually allow you to maintain a clear trading mindset while still providing you with a high probability edge in the market, and those that do not.
Forex Education for BeginnersIf you are considering entering into forex trading you should invest in your education. There is a wide range of forex resources available in this area. Only 30% of the forex traders make a reasonable income from their trades. This means that to prevent unnecessary heartaches you should first get enough information on how you can trade successfully before you can do live trading. Adequate preparation is essential to even determine if forex trading is for you. You must ensure that you enter into it for the right reasons.
Earn Money From Forex Trading OnlineFormerly only multinationals and financial institutions can engage in the forex market. The reason is simple: they are the ones with technology capable of connecting with forex market on a 24 hour basis and the amount of money needed to start trading is huge. Ordinary people like you and me hardly have the capital to engage in such undertaking however lucrative it is. Today, the amount of money you have no longer matters very much. You can invest and earn in it trough forex trading online trading made possible by the internet.
The Fundamentals For Gold and Silver TradingThere are four important factors, you should think about when trading metals, especially, trading gold and trading silver. The first fundamental is the relationship between demand and supply metals prices. If the demand is excess the supply, the metals price will go up and vice versa.