IMPORTANT: Crypto Gameplan For Q4 2021 & Q1 2022!! [BE PREPARED]

Crypto is nearing its last stage of the cycle: the parabolic stage of the bull market. This stage will take around 3-6 months in total. In this video we’re discussing where Bitcoin can go to next, what the situation is for altcoins and what the gameplan (playbook) will be for this very last stage of this cycle. This way you are able to prepare accordingly and prepared mentally.

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0:00 Intro
1:08 Coingecko overview
2:34 Bitcoin chart
9:43 Altcoin charts
13:27 BTC dominance
15:00 Gameplan parabolic run

#Bitcoin #altcoins #crypto #Chainlink #Ethereum #Vechain #Investing #Litecoin #XRP #Ripple #Cryptocurrency #Cardano #Invest #Binance #Tron #XLM #news #BTC #success #finance #entrepreneur #business #market

Disclaimer: I’m not a professional financial advisor and everything I say in my videos is just my own opinion and for educational purposes only.


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Keywords: bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, ripple, xrp, cardano, chainlink, altcoin, young and investing, investing, best crypto, top altcoin, price prediction, cryptocurrency news, investor, altseason, money, entrepreneur, business, success, financial, tax, legal, knowledge, expert, Google, vechain, Amazon, technology, digital currency, Elon Musk, Binance coin, moon, technical analysis, internet, IOTA, Dogecoin, buying, cash, DeFi, uniswap, crash, pump, dump, gains

Automated Forex Robots – Getting to Know Automated Forex Robots

Automated Forex Robots are slowly becoming an industry standard in the forex world. Why? Because in this microwave society, no one wants to take years to get to know the forex market before they can begin to trade profitably! The solution? Automated forex trading at your fingertips. It’s literally a plug-and-play solution to the demand of β€œNOW!” society. No longer does a novice forex trader have to feel uneducated and unprepared in the forex market.

Automated Currency Trading – Automated Currency Trading Systems in the Ever-Changing Forex Market

Automated currency trading systems have only been around for a few years now. When it first started, many were hesitant, but as time went by and more people began trading automatically, things began to pick up and the forex market was turned on its head as more and more people young and old, experienced and novice began trading with zero fear.

Tips on Automated Forex Trading System

Forex trading is one of the many ways you can earn passive income working just few hours a day. The market is very highly profitable but at the same time you are facing huge risk too. With the right trading method, you can easily grow your account in a short time frame. However with the incorrect trading method, you could be wiping out your account in the matter of days.

Forex Trading Robot – The Best Way To Get Profit

A forex trading robot is a piece of software that will automatically handle the currency trading process for you, it enters and exits trades with the goal of making a profit. A lot of traders eventually switch to a piece of software like this because they are tired of entering in all these trades manually. When you’re trading manually you have to spend a lot of time each day keeping up with the market, and you have to spend a huge amount of time staying current with the trades you have active.

Top Rated Forex Trading Software to Make Money

If you are new to forex trade, then you might be wondering which is the best way to improve your trading. Although this might seem very simple it is not. Discover the secrets of using top rated Forex trading software here…

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