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What’s good Fam?! Happy Tuesday again! I have some great news to share with you all. NFTuesdays is back and better than ever! So, allow me to welcome you all to the first NFTuesday of 2022! I have a banger of a live prepared for you all. NFT season is back in full swing.
We’re back to seeing legendary sales, new all time highs for certain projects, and companies/celebrities entering the space. For starters, Dave Chapelle and Eminem are both BAYC holders now. It looks like crypto gaming is still the best play going at the moment. Square Enix’s president recently announced that they plan on investing more resources into NFTs and the metaverse. I predict we’ll be seeing many other gaming studios following the trend in the coming months.
Also, Samsung is launching NFT support for the 2022 TV models. What does this mean? I guess we’ll have to wait to find out. What we do know is that you will have the ability to purchase NFTs via TV. The future is upon us.
Another trend that we’ve been paying attention to is set to take off soon as well. If you all remember, we had Coopahtroopa on the channel awhile back to discuss music NFTs. Today we’ll dive more into that topic and give you all an update. We have so much to talk about that instead of listing out everything, I’d rather you all just join me live. So, tune in while I drop off this alpha! Talk to you all soon!
0:00 NFTs Are Back!
1:00 NFTs Are Coming Back In A Major Way
1:27 Hopping Into The Comments
2:07 Mainstream Crypto Has Been Boring
5:23 When The Mainstream Market Gets Boring
6:20 OpenSea Volume
7:00 Tweet From November
7:38 Tweet Awards
7:58 NFTs Are Giga Risky
8:55 Most NFTs Are Not Worth Holding
9:48 You Are The Target
10:23 You Will Get Crushed Without An Exit Plan
11:01 On Cycles
12:12 You Need To Understand The Risks
13:28 Cycles Come And Go
14:17 OpenDao Airdrop
15:50 Rise Of The Mutants
16:58 Mutants Are The Blue Chips
17:28 Eminem Buys Bored Ape
18:50 It Is Easy To Be Over Exposed
19:30 Neo Tokyo Outer Identities
21:08 Catalina Whale Mixer
22:25 Value Follows Community
23:30 Wolf Game
25:54 Mavia
26:36 Ansem Tweet
27:30 Crypto Raiders
29:40 WWW3
32:00 Investing With Your Time
33:28 Metalink Wrapped
34:44 Fungibles Interview
35:36 Fungibles Story
37:27 What’s Different In NFT Land
38:30 90% – 95% Of Your Wallet Will Go To Zero
39:55 The Goal Of NFTs Is To Own Blue Chips
41:38 Attention Is Scarce
43:20 BAYC Is Peaking
44:30 Ape Into Fear Bear Out Of FOMO
45:40 The IP Is Community
47:19 You Have To Take Chances
50:19 Volume Is The Biggest Thing
52:00 You’re Buying Your Fellow Holders
52:53 How Much Does The Community Care?
54:14 Learn How To Trade Crypto
55:02 Reach Out To People
56:12 99% Won’t Do The Basics
57:15 Final Words Of Wisdom From Fungible
59:27 This Is An Interesting Moment
1:00:00 It’s Not Just Animal Pictures Anymore
1:01:13 Where Does It All Lead?
#nft #ethereum #defi #blockchain #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #btc #eth #news #protocols #sidechain #altcoin #nftmarketplace #opensea #cryptoart #protocol #altcoins #nonfungibletoken #dao #sidechain #layer2 #erc20 #erc-20 #token #coin
DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice! This is an entertainment and opinion-based show. I am not a financial adviser. Please only invest what you can afford to lose, and we encourage you to do your own research before investing. DYOR
Currency Convertibility – A Unit For Exchange Among Global Countries
Currency, as is defined, is a unit for exchange among global countries and, it facilitates the transferring of goods and services. The rate is determined based on certain criteria, which establish the day-to-day exchange rate.
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Fundamentals and the Forex MarketBy surfing the world wide web it is quickly noted that there are many new robots or EA’s that appear every day with each one supposedly being the full proof, hands off trading solution for one’s portfolio. Some will show back tests or even some live tests and have fantastic results. However, many have invested in these so called robots and in the majority of cases the results have not been positive, and in many cases these robots immediately begin to lose money. This article will investigate why these robots often fail and why it is so important to pay special attention to Fundamental factors such as: important news/economic releases, movements in the bonds, stocks, and commodities markets and more importantly how these events affect automated Forex systems.
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