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DISCLAIMER: Trading Bitcoin is VERY risky, and 80% of traders don’t make money. Make sure that you understand these risks if you are a beginner. I only recommend crypto trading to already experienced traders!
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Please be advised that I own a diverse portfolio of cryptocurrency as I wish to remain transparent and impartial to the cryptocurrency community at all times, and therefore, the content of my media are intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES not financial advice. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Purchasing cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome. Past performance does not indicate future results.
This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This is all my own opinion. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. Please take this information and do your own research.
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Good Morning Crypto
Ivan on Tech by Ivan Liljeqvist
Open a Forex Demo Account to Get Ready for Challenges Ahead
On the flip side, there are negative aspects of a forex demo account. To begin with, there is little pressure to handle, so you will be less motivated to invest money in the best possible manner.
Successful Forex Trading RulesThe world is built on rules, everything found in nature including nature itself, function based on a set rules and principles. Human body function, working, resting, playing, everything function well when the rules relating to it are followed, and they turn bad when the rules are broken. Forex trading is not left out of this. If you want to be a success in trading, follow the rules and you will do great.
10 Golden Guidelines on Trading With Forex SignalsLooking for Free Forex Signals? Forex signals are basically “suggested” buy and sell points with price targets and stop-loss levels delivered by forex signal providers to traders. They may be delivered by email, instant messenger, cellphone, live currency trading systems or direct to your forex signal metatrader on your desktop.
Is the Euro Worth Saving?The current issue is not whether the euro has performed as was promised, whether it was mis-sold or even whether it was a bad idea. It is whether or not the single currency is worth saving – would the consequences be worse if the eurozone was broken up, or if it was saved?
The Best Way to Invest In CurrencyPrecious metals and the currency are flying around the news just as much as the presidential election that is beginning to heat up. But unlike pulling a lever at election time, investing in the currency markets can be much more difficult and even dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing.