Should you buy Safemoon or not? That is the question we’re going to answer in this video. What is Safemoon? Why is it going up so hard? Let’s take a look at their socials and statistics and draw our conclusions. What do you think of Safemoon? Are you invested in it? Please let me know in the comments!

Buy my book β€˜De Bitcoin(r)evolutie’ (Dutch) here: https://www.lannoo.be/nl/de-bitcoinrevolutie
Or here: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/de-bitcoinrevolutie/9300000005205286/

0:00 Intro
1:50 Bitconnect scam
2:44 What is Safemoon?
4:58 Important stats
6:15 Media presence
8:17 Website
10:45 Other socials
13:12 Safemoon influencers
15:41 Conclusion

#Safemoon #Elongate #Safemars #Bitcoin #altcoins #crypto #Chainlink #Ethereum #Vechain #Investing #Litecoin #XRP #Ripple #Cryptocurrency #Cardano #Invest #Binance #Tron #XLM #news #BTC #success #finance #entrepreneur #business #market

Disclaimer: I’m not a professional financial advisor and everything I say in my videos is just my own opinion and for educational purposes only.


*** Social media ***

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Join the β€œCryptocurrency Investing” Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/480785485606417


*** Buy Crypto ***

Sign up to Binance (get 10% off fees): https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=SK490J97

Sign up to Coinbase (get $10): https://coinbase-consumer.sjv.io/gdrEB

Sign up to Crypto.com (get up to $50 bonus): https://crypto.com/exch/youngandinvesting


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BlockFi (up to 10% APY) Referral: https://blockfi.com/youngandinvesting (get up to $250 bonus)

Crypto.com (up to 12% APY): https://crypto.com/exch/youngandinvesting (get up to $50 bonus)


*** Crypto cards ***

Crypto.com (get $25 bonus when ordering metal card): https://platinum.crypto.com/r/youngandinvesting
Code: youngandinvesting

BlockFi Referral (up to $250 bonus): https://blockfi.com/youngandinvesting


*** Crypto hardware wallets ***

Buy a Ledger hardware wallet: https://www.ledger.com?r=a1e80b98f316

Buy a Trezor hardware wallet: https://shop.trezor.io/?offer_id=10&aff_id=3338


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How To Profit From Automated Forex Trading

It’s going to be difficult for me to describe properly an automated forex trading system in just a few hundred words. But even if I could I think it would be more important to outline what are the key elements that an automated forex system must possess for you to benefit from it.

Forex Options Trading – Can You Do It At Retail Level Too?

Forex options trading is something that has been around for the last 30 years or so but they have only very recently made it to the retail level so that people like you and me can profit from them. They key element that has up to not long ago distinguished professional option traders from retail investors has been their level of knowledge when it comes to options. With the large amounts of information available online that barrier has been removed.

A Simple Review Of Ava Forex Trading Software Programs

Life without financial investment is risky and that is why people do try many options including trading forex. Today, you can trade foreign currencies on the Internet. FX trading is one way that people are using to earn extra money without any supervision.

Forex Day Trading Systems Enable Investors to Profit on a Full or Part-Time Basis

Of the many new opportunities now available to the common investor, the foreign exchange market is by far the fastest growing in terms of popularity, and for a few very good reasons. Foreign exchange investing, or Forex investing, has the potential for fast profits with a low initial cost, and through the use of one of the many Forex day trading systems or auto Forex trading software packages, it can easily turn into a full or part-time career.

Getting the Most Out Of Your Forex Robot Settings

One of the great benefits with trading with a Forex robot is the ease with which you can quickly get setup and start to trade the markets. Most systems take only a matter of minutes to download and install, and will have most settings preconfigured. You normally just need to enter your unlock key to be up and then you are up and running in the markets.

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