Uniswap V3 is right now live! The world’s biggest DEX launched its newest version on may 5th 2021. What changed? What’s in it for us? Let’s take a look and do a price prediction for the UNI token too!

Uniswap V3 explained: https://uniswap.org/blog/uniswap-v3/
Uniswap V3 Strategy simulator: https://defi-lab.xyz/

0:00 Intro
1:02 What is Uniswap?
4:02 Uniswap V3
9:07 Strategy simulator
10:39 Interface
13:16 Fee tiers per pool
15:01 Uni token & price outlook

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Buy a Trezor hardware wallet: https://shop.trezor.io/?offer_id=10&aff_id=3338


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How to Achieve Successful Forex Trading

A great number of people out there think that it is very easy to trade in forex. On the contrary, the business requires a lot of attention and commitment and can be costly in terms of bearing losses and burning out at the same time.

As the World Turns for Oandaradio Currency Trading

The future of Oandaradio currency trading would be bright indeed, if it were invented at all.Β  For the fact is, Oanda, the name synonymous to online foreign exchange trading would get a big boost if all that timely and relevant information about currency trading were made available by radio wave frequency.Β  As it is right now, the company named OANDA, which some people prefer to type in all capitals as shown, already controls 20% of the Internet forex trading business.

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Forex Trading Strategies For A Successful Forex Business

The business of forex trading is a little complicated. The forex trader has to take many factors into consideration, as these factors have a direct impact on the foreign exchange rate. These fundamental factors include the political ups and downs, economic policies of the State or country and soon.

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