The Bitcoin dominance is showing less strength than I expected. This could mean that we could see a big new altseason in the coming months. Let’s check the charts, including bitcoin and some altcoins.

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0:00 Intro
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2:32 charts

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Disclaimer: I’m not a professional financial advisor and everything I say in my videos is just my own opinion and for educational purposes only.


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Sign up to Binance (get 10% off fees): https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=SK490J97

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Code: youngandinvesting

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*** Crypto hardware wallets ***

Buy a Ledger hardware wallet: https://www.ledger.com?r=a1e80b98f316

Buy a Trezor hardware wallet: https://shop.trezor.io/?offer_id=10&aff_id=3338


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Why Do You Need Forex Strategies?

The rapid evolution and modernization of the global foreign exchange trading markets have necessitated the development of several strategies, governing the purchase and sale of foreign exchange. Some of these strategies are very conservative and plain vanilla and focus on hedging the exposure at all times, while looking to make marginal gains at an appropriate time. Similarly, some other strategies are very complex and require a very intricate understanding of the forex market to be used effectively.

What Are Forex Signals?

Buying and selling of foreign currency is the essence of the forex market. In doing so, forex traders tend to evaluate the performance of a particular currency and develop their own version of lead and lag indicators, which provides them critical inputs on how a currency is likely to perform. A forex signal helps to analyze data and ultimately evolve a strategy, which a trader normally uses to buy and sell foreign exchange.

Some Effective Forex Scalping Techniques!

There are many forex (FX) brokers in the currency market nowadays, but many of them face failures in scalping. For taking quick profits one has to be well versed with the techniques.

The Secrets of the Forex Scalping System

Forex scalping, also known as quick trading, has gained high popularity these days. It is perceived that it allows a trader to make small profits while exposing a trading account to a very limited risk. However, true scalping involves as risks as with any other type of trading.

Create an Income by Trading Forex With Technical Analysis

With such a large market, many people have understandably made a fortune by trading on Forex. Many of them have done it by using technical analysis.

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